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Prayer For A Tightrope Walker
Prayers Morgan Rowe Prayers Morgan Rowe

Prayer For A Tightrope Walker

May I make it from here……to there.

Balanced on this taut wire, its fibers twisted strands of hope, courage, and love.

Great Goddess, make it so.

May the hot winds born from the fight for racial equality, and the cool, indifferent winds of pandemic, and the lack of concern for the well being of others work to keep me focused on each clear step in front of me. Great Goddess, make it so.

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The Divinity of Fireflies
Stories Morgan Rowe Stories Morgan Rowe

The Divinity of Fireflies

I dare anyone who has ever watched the dusk settle in, only to have hundreds of tiny amber-lit creatures rise from the grass like little sparks of the divine, tell me they haven’t fallen in love with fireflies. With life. With the planet. With the mysterious power of Mother Nature to enchant just by going about her business. Maybe the love affair (your love affair?) lasted for one glorious summer, only a few hours, or, like me, for a lifetime but, surely, love arrived.

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