Prayer For Those Of Us Trapped in Cocoons of Safety & Cis-Gendered White Privilege

All Prayer Paintings are for sale. This one is a 4x4 acrylic and alcohol paint on art board. $25 unframed, $38 framed. Plus shipping. Click here if interested.

All Prayer Paintings are for sale. This one is a 4x4 acrylic and alcohol paint on art board. $25 unframed, $38 framed. Plus shipping. Click here if interested.

Crack open and spill out! Not just in righteous anger, graceful acts of philanthropic bounty, or even our own mea culpas of shame and unwitting participation in the system.

Crack open and spill out into awakening of our core, cellular resonance with all of humanity.

If we are all made of stardust, that stardust is white, black, brown, straight, gay, trans, male, female, non binary. That basic brilliant building block operates in each and all of us!

May we each be empowered by our essential particles of light to action so that we may disempower those who hold tightly to their claim on stardust, for in relinquishing that claim on stardust we may all see the light that shines forth in all the corners of our humanity where we have locked it away in castles built of complacency and distrust in the exuberant joy of a complete and divergent world.

Blessed Be.


The Divinity of Fireflies