Moving requires keeping track of a myriad of steps. For a lucky few, this kind of organization comes naturally. For others, it signals the start of overwhelm. I’ve moved several times in my life, including selling my childhood home after my father passed away. He was, to put it nicely, a collector, with 15 rooms, an attic, and basement, filled to the gills. I know intimately the challenges inherent to deciding where to start, what to let go of, what to keep, how to have difficult conversations with loved ones who don’t want you to move, as well as sorting through the complicated emotions related to parting with a space that once embodied “home”. Below you will find more specific information on ways I can help as well as the rates for various services.

Coaching From Near or Far

Whether you simply want a safe and compassionate space to process the complex emotions involved with leaving a house or you want an ally in creating your game plan for tackling the mountain of tasks involved in letting go and going forward, I can meet with you virtually for hour long chunks of time via zoom or within a limited physical area in the mid-coast of Maine or Hartford, CT, depending on our mutual schedules.

Holding Space Rates

Whether we meet over zoom or somewhere in person, I am available to work with you and your family holding space, guiding conversation, and making your to-do lists on a sliding scale of $54 to $72 per hour unless there are more than two people on your end of the line involved in our meeting. For sessions involved with 3 or more people my rate is firmly $72 per hour.

Sorting, Packing, & Staging

With moving comes a host of deadlines, some self-imposed, some set per the guidance of your realtor and the current market forecasts, and others by a signed contract between buyers and sellers.

For folks in the mid-coast of Maine or the greater Hartford, Ct area, I can help ease the feeling of too much pressure and help you decide how to best sort those items you wish to keep, distribute to family and friends, sell, donate, or dispose of responsibly. Within limits, I may also help you to pack and stage your house for ease of sale.

I can further assist by facilitating the removal and proper distribution of those items you do not wish to keep personally. This may include packing and mailing items to family & friends, donating items to your chosen charity organizations, or bringing folks onboard who specialize in estate sales, bulk removal, or auctioneers who will take larger lots.

Hands-On Rates

For all work that involves me being in your home, carrying, packing, or moving your belongings, I receive $72 per hour or $198 per 6-hour day. Time spent driving, delivering, selling, and communicating with other vendors will be calculated separately at the rate of $54 per hour or $13.50 per 15 minute increments. I always do my best to work with both care and efficiency so that your belongings and your budget feel well cared for.