Welcome to the inner sacred space Sanctuary where we get a little more personal.

If you’ve followed the breadcrumbs to this page, one or more of the Sacred Space offerings may have piqued your interest. Now, you may be wondering a couple of things like, “How much does it cost to work with Morgan?” or “How do we get started?”. I’d love to answer those questions and ask you a few, too.

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All Sacred Space services are offered on a sliding scale from $54-$72 per hour or at a fixed rate of $45 for half an hour.

I prefer to work within the framework of an hour so that we can dig deep and leave time for questions and a gentle release back into the world outside the sacred space. It is my aim for that hour to be affordable no matter your budget and place my trust in you to give what you can within the sliding scale and that which feels compensatory for the value of the service as you receive it. Half hour appointments are still made available and perfect for check ins and follow ups.


How we get started

The first thing we should do is decide if what I offer is what you are looking for. To that end, I ask that you give me some information about what brings you here. Please know that I’m very sensitive to the notion that you might not know what lurks behind the call to connect with me or to the divine. On the other hand, you may know exactly why you are here, but not which pathway to spirit would work best for you at this time. I welcome any clarity and any relevant confusion you are willing to articulate for me via this handy dandy form. I will read it as soon as possible and be in touch within 48 hours, if all goes according to plan!

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Once Again, thank you for getting in touch! I very much look forward to furthering the conversation! Blessings to you!