Kind Words From Clients
Incredible photo by Catalina at www.catalinajean.com
“Morgan is highly intuitive and knows just the thing you can’t quite put your finger on. She created a magical and safe atmosphere for even the most delicate of ideas to emerge. There was never any pushing, just allowing space for my truth to emerge.”
“I started working with Morgan during a very rough patch in my life. I was a newlywed, working a horrible job, and I’d just lost my younger brother. My emotions were all over the place, and I was finding it difficult to manage my emotions as well as engage and interact with friends and loved ones. She helped me sort through all of the different things I was feeling and guided me into new and healthy mindset that led to me having a more solid relationship with my spouse, more honest interactions with my loved ones, and most importantly a stronger sense of self. Our work together and the skills she taught me have made me a better person, and I am intensely grateful for our time together.”
“Morgan brings such a full quiver of arrows to our sessions: powerful intuition, keen intellect, a wide-open heart and a rich, earthy sense of humor. When you fold in her searching curiosity and naturally accepting nature, you get this experience of an active kind of spaciousness, which feels sparkling and full of potential. I love the rich attention and room to explore Morgan gives me, and she has a knack for asking the right kinds of questions. There’s the old story of Michelangelo carving David, and how he just took away all of the pieces of the rock that weren’t David. In the same way, Morgan doesn’t try to force anything into being, but she has a genius for collaborating with you and co-revealing the truth that’s waiting there inside you. What she does is hard to describe because it’s so subtle and so right. It has to be experienced to be understood. You feel like you can’t go down the wrong track, because you’re building on this foundation of your realest truth. Morgan is just magic, damn it.”