Prayer For A Tightrope Walker

Prayer Painting: Acrylic on plywood. $36, unframed. $50, framed. Both “plus shipping.”  Comes with a printed version of the prayer below. Please be in touch if interested.

Prayer Painting: Acrylic on plywood. $36, unframed. $50, framed. Both “plus shipping.” Comes with a printed version of the prayer below. Please be in touch if interested.

May I make it from here……to there.

Balanced on this taut wire, its fibers twisted strands of hope, courage, and love.

Great Goddess, make it so.

May the hot winds born from the fight for racial equality, and the cool, indifferent winds of pandemic and the lack of concern for the well being of others, work to keep me focused on each clear step in front of me. Great Goddess, make it so.

May spirit and divine grace strengthen the safety net which glistens in the sunlight all around me so that I may keep moving even when despair, fear, economic concerns, and worry for the safety of those I love threatens to paralyze me where I stand. Great Goddess, make it so.

May I hold tight to the pole which keeps me balanced. A sturdy staff fashioned of equal parts joy, compassion, empathy, whimsy, beauty, and trust in the great mystery. Great Goddess, Make it so.

May I keep nimble and strong of body and soul so that each step feels sure and safe - and if I wobble, my core can lift me up and ease the terror that ever present gravity can instill at any moment, night or day. Day or night. Great Goddess, make it so.

And when the time comes that I step off the tight rope and my journey comes to an end, may I have known the freedom of the trapeze artist, the boldness of the human cannonball, the mastery of the lion tamer, and the great roaring pride of the lion who has taken the tamer between her teeth and with one quick chomp secured her own authority.

Great Goddess, make it so.


Daring, Nicely.


The Divinity of Fireflies