Memory Books for You and Yours

Using your photos or mine, I will create a keepsake that celebrates the house and the memories made there that you can take with you or gift to family members who also called the house, Home.

Ideally, before your house is dismantled for packing and repainted for staging and selling, I will take a leisurely tour with you or anyone else who has lived in and loved the house, gathering stories and capturing visual vignettes of treasured keepsakes that may be dispersed in the process of clearing out for a fresh start, downsizing, or liquidating an estate. If no one is available to give a personalized account, I can simply document and draw from a vast collection of poetry and quotes about the importance of Home in our lives. And, of course, I can simply let the pictures speak for themselves.

I may also collect and use photos from that bin in the closet that no one ever bothered to put in an album and those digital files that never made it to a hard copy, photos that depict lives well lived in the home over the years. That way, you can move forward knowing your history is honored and safeguarded.

house blessings

Another way to honor your home as you prepare to say goodbye is to create a ceremonial event where friends and family share stories aloud and create wishes for the house and it’s future occupants so that they may thrive and you may depart feeling bouyant and heart-filled with joyful memories of your time there. If this appeals, I can share ideas with you or I officiate the ceremony, holding space and creating a loving, joyful space within which to celebrate and say goodbye.