When I was a small child, I took my mom by the hand, led her to a chair, and said, “Let’s talk.” that desire to connect has never left me.
In June of 2020 I was ordained as an interfaith chaplain after a two year graduate program with the Chaplaincy Institute of Maine (ChIME). The process leading up to graduation felt like a profound weaving together of experiences and skills gathered over a lifetime.
I was born a seeker; sitting by the water and wandering in the woods, I discovered a connection to the divine and began to understand that there is a universal consciousness that runs through all the living beings of the planet….including the planet itself. While I have attended many different kinds of churches over the years, to this day, when I am feeling lost or disconnected, it is to the natural world I go first to recharge my spiritual batteries.
I trained as a professional actress and spent over 25 years working in the theater. Between gigs, I worked primarily in arts education with forays into cancer support and childcare until I received a certificate in life coaching from Coach for Life in 2013. I also pursued shamanic studies, intuitive work, wrote memoir centric articles for magazines, started painting, and traveled a fair bit of the world exploring some of the most spiritually alive places in Australia, the British Isles, and India.
While studying at ChIME, I learned that what I’d been doing all along was honing my skills as a Spiritual Companion and Chaplain, roles which require curiosity, intuition, empathy, clear communication, and the desire to listen and learn deeply about my fellow human beings. For years, I’d been soaking in and reflecting back all the ways we humans reach out for connection while longing to understand our place in the cosmos, be it from a spiritual or a humanist perspective. Add to that the great privilege of performing ceremony and ritual, such as weddings and memorials, and I am supported by decades of experience speaking in front of audiences of all sizes.
If I can be of service, Let’s Talk!
Rev. Morgan Rowe (she/her/hers)
Since July 2016, I have lived in Camden, Maine where the natural forested beauty and brisk swimming waters of Penobscot Bay bring me ever closer to the divine. For 20 years before that, I lived in Seattle, WA where I bemoaned the lack of fireflies and their nightly summer show of divinity to anyone who would listen. Eventually, I had to head back east in search of them.
Along with the love and presence of my sweetheart, family, and friends, my life companions are currently AJ Le Mutt, Annie the Cat, and the Smitten Kittens, Tig and Liz Lemon. Their steady love is sign of God(ess) enough for me.
Officiating a wedding in Spoleto, Italy!