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Daring, Nicely.
Personal Essays Morgan Rowe Personal Essays Morgan Rowe

Daring, Nicely.

Rarely in my life have I experienced such visceral joy. And, yes, even having experienced some fantastic sex….this was right up there, if not better. While sex can merge your consciousness with the heavens, this naked plunge into the waterfall was like merging with the earth and sky all at once. It was a jolt of electricity into the soul and body simultaneously….it was like the first kiss and the orgasm wrapped into one.

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Prayer For A Tightrope Walker
Prayers Morgan Rowe Prayers Morgan Rowe

Prayer For A Tightrope Walker

May I make it from here……to there.

Balanced on this taut wire, its fibers twisted strands of hope, courage, and love.

Great Goddess, make it so.

May the hot winds born from the fight for racial equality, and the cool, indifferent winds of pandemic, and the lack of concern for the well being of others work to keep me focused on each clear step in front of me. Great Goddess, make it so.

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