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Personal Essays Morgan Rowe Personal Essays Morgan Rowe


This morning when I awoke and it was now March I thought of immediately diving into facebook to see what I had missed in my month away, but I just couldn’t yet. And, here at late afternoon, I still haven’t. It feels a bit like running back to an old lover that you still harbor feelings for while also understanding that they will never be able to love and nurture you the way you need. Especially since between the last time I saw them and now, I’ve discovered so much more about who I am and how I want to be loved and how I want to love in the world.

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Daring, Nicely.
Personal Essays Morgan Rowe Personal Essays Morgan Rowe

Daring, Nicely.

Rarely in my life have I experienced such visceral joy. And, yes, even having experienced some fantastic sex….this was right up there, if not better. While sex can merge your consciousness with the heavens, this naked plunge into the waterfall was like merging with the earth and sky all at once. It was a jolt of electricity into the soul and body simultaneously….it was like the first kiss and the orgasm wrapped into one.

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